Για τις ημέρες 12 μέχρι και 20 Αυγούστου, το κοιμητήριο θα παραμείνει κλειστό για το επισκεπτήριο. Σας ευχόμαστε καλές διακοπές Για τις ημέρες 12 μέχρι και 20 Αυγούστου το κοιμητήριο θα παραμείνει κλειστό για το επισκεπτήριο. Σας ευχόμαστε καλές διακοπές
From August 12 until the 20th we will be closed for visitors. We wish you happy holidays From August 12 until the 20th we will be closed for visitors. We wish you happy holidays

Animal Cemetery, a service from
Cats n Dogs, with over 23 years of experience on pet services

επιλογές ταφής κατοικίδιου ζώου

Burial options

In our cemetery you can choose a burial process, offering your pet with dignity the same care he or she had with you

Learn more → 

υπηρεσίες αποτέφρωσης ζώων

Cremation Services

In the choice of pet cremation, you have the option of taking your pet’s ash, in a beautiful vessel, to once again have close to you.

Learn more → 

Μεταφορά ζώου στο κοιμητήριο


An important service is the transportation of your beloved pet from your veterinarian’s office or your home to the cemetery.

Learn more → 

Pet Cemetery:

Understanding the sense of loss you feel when your pet passes away, our goal is to make the burial process as painless as possible, offering your pet the same dignity and care as the one they had living with you.
νεκροταφείο ζώων

Pet Cremation:

Catsndogs cemetery is equipped with a special Cremation unit. This service is available for all kinds of pets. Individual cremation gives you the opportunity of keeping your pet’s ash in a special urn to keep your pet’s memory alive.
Μονάδα αποτέφρωσης ζώων
Μονάδα αποτέφρωσης ζώων

Pet Cremation:

Catsndogs cemetery is equipped with a special Cremation unit. This service is available for all kinds of pets. Individual cremation gives you the opportunity of keeping your pet’s ash in a special urn to keep your pet’s memory alive.

With love for the pet and respect for the environment


Trusted partners & veterinarians

Πάνω από

Years of experience with pets


People who trusted us